The ClearVue app has been created as a platform for your agency and the company you work at to communicate and interact with you. By having this app you are able to provide feedback and receive recognition and reward.
ClearVue takes the storing & usage of personal data seriously and treats it with utmost respect. Your data is the same that you have provided to your agency and we are providing you with the ability to see and view this information in the mobile app. We also provide you with additional work history, recognition received with skills & training logged in your profile for you to see. Should you require to see our privacy policy go to https://theclearvue.co.uk/privacy
Yes, your work history such as length of service & shifts completed shall be available for you to share with future employers
Yes, all of your achievements such as Kudos, Awards, Skills, and Training are recorded in your worker profile and will be available for you to provide to future employers
All your information will automatically be available after the agency has set you up. If you need to update your right to work documents then you can do this through the app. Other changes you will need to contact your agency
If you cannot login using your unique National Insurance number then please contact your agency to make sure you are on the platform.
All the survey information gathered by ClearVue for ratings removes the worker identifier and just provides a scoring per question.
All of your training accreditations and skills will be automatically recorded and will be available in the Training section of the mobile application.
Click Survey in menu section then click Pay Survey. Choose the right option for you and submit. This will then notify your agency and current place of work and logged for resolving.