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Embrace new technologies to help your teams and agency partners have a collaborative, forward looking approach to drive long term sustainable value.

Reduce the overall costs associated with labour turnover and create a workplace environment that brings sustainable agility

The level of investment to induct, train and develop new starters to reach a proficient operating level is expensive and sits unfairly with you, the end-hirer.

  • Nurture new talent during their critical first 12 weeks on assignment through automated anonymised surveys and short appreciation videos to reduce labour turnover.
  • Track and store exit information data in order to understand root cause analysis and build evidence based strategies to resolve.
  • Gain sentiment on how workers score their agencies and be in the communication loop regarding worker issues in order to stop the revolving door on losing talent.

Digitise your workforce through modern technology to increase engagement and better communication

Communicate and engage with your temporary workforce with a single app that connects all panel agency workers with fun and engaging content.

  • Create personalised experiences where workers receive messages of appreciation on their birthdays or short videos congratulating them on completing their first week of training.
  • Simplify how training material is distributed and delivered and award badges for gaining new skills or achieving long service milestones, with the option to make personalised one-off rewards.
  • Give kudos for individuals going above and beyond which can be celebrated and shared on virtual community boards for all co-workers to see.

A workforce management system, powered by business intelligence that helps transform valuable, historic and real time data into smarter insights.

High volume staffing involves trying to make sense of vast amounts of data produced by your agency partners, which get presented in multiple different formats with varying degrees of accuracy.

  • Get better at optimising your temporary workforce by analysing key metrics including work pool utilisation and distribution of hours amongst individual workers, in order for your teams to be more strategic with labour planning and resourcing.
  • Gain meaning behind your workforce data by site, shift, department and role type in order to see patterns forming and predict early warning signs of roadblocks or risks of supply shortages.
  • Manage your agency panel against a balanced score card, bringing confidence and integrity to your supplier reviews and build partnerships based on data driven performance rather than anecdotal experience.