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Human Resources

Narrow the real experience gap that exists between your permanent and temporary workforce with technology that makes it easy to keep all team colleagues feeling engaged, informed and compliant.

Elevate employee engagement and connect your teams together in one place

Simplify and share company communications across your entire workforce with a platform that connects all colleagues with fun, engaging content.

  • Share company information and important announcements simultaneously across multiple sites, shifts and multiple agency workforces.
  • Award kudos and badges to celebrate service milestone achievements that get shared on virtual community boards for all colleagues to see and are stored within each workers Hall of Fame.
  • Create personalised experiences where workers receive messages of appreciation on their birthdays, or short videos congratulating them on completing their first week of training.

Tap into employee sentiment to upgrade your teams' experience and create a winning workplace culture

Give temporary workers a voice and get meaningful insights in order to take data based action to improve attraction and retention strategies.

  • Automated anonymised surveys triggered at 1,4,8,12 weeks and at the point of resignation, provides temporary workers with a platform to provide honest feedback on your organisation and the agency they work for.
  • Feedback is stored and displayed on our dashboards to help you spot trends and shape strategies to drive positive change and improve your rankings within the wider workforce communities.
  • In-built multi language templates makes it easy to reach all employee groups with either fixed date or pulse surveys across your entire workforce.

Designed HR essentials that enable you to visually manage compliance standards within a single system

Centrally manage all the key data you need, including 60+ hour reporting, student visas, multiple occupancy monitoring and rest breaks, providing you with the complete picture across your entire workforce.

  • Track and analyse the changing dynamics and size of your temporary workforce by having access to key demographic data.
  • Get easy access to an individual worker’s profile containing their work history and Hall of Fame achievements, in order to make more insightful decisions surrounding temp to perm transfers.
  • Monitor key indicators and trends to create greater collaborative relationships across your agency panel and build databased strategies to drive operational improvements.